Monday 3 October 2016

Car accidents and personal injuries

Generally, soft tissue injuries are found in the lower back or neck areas of the spine, this has to do with the impacts of how we generally sit in our cars and the transfer of energy caused by a car accident. There are obviously, other injuries that are known as soft tissue injuries. Generally, an injury to any part of the body that is not bone, instead tissue that connects or surrounds to the other parts of the internal body, will qualify.

Obviously, frequently right before a car crash, the auto driver will strain his arm, wrist or shoulder due to holding tight at impact, causing a rotator cuff tear at the shoulder, carpal tunnel at the wrist, or ulnar nerve entrapment at the elbow. A Miami car accident lawyer can certainly guide you in this situation for the best possible compensation, if the accident is caused by anybody’s mistake.

However, with the lumbar and cervical areas, we are mainly concerned with the possibility of a herniated disc. This injury will be clear through an MRI. Electrodiagnostic testing, like electromyography, and nerve conduction study might be utilized to prove a substantial soft tissue injury also.

Sadly, this is not always simple to prove. If the disc is bulging and if the relevant portion of the vertebral column is stenotic, a defense attorney will claim that the injury was there before the car accident. A defense attorney, just like a Miami divorce lawyer, will frequently evaluate a soft tissue injury by looking at the vehicle damage only. Just keep in mind, in a low-impact collision, there will frequently be very less visible damage to the cars involved. Don’t be fooled. The way a car receives an impact and diffuses energy is quite different that a human body will react to the same impact.